Continuing/Returning VA Students

For each semester that you wish to have your enrollment certified to the VA, you must download, complete and submit the Request for Enrollment Certification to the FSCC Financial Aid Office.

It is strongly recommended that you submit this form well in advance of the first day of courses for each semester. If you make a change to your schedule after you’ve submitted your Request for Enrollment Certification, please notify the VA Certifying Official. Only courses that are required for your FSCC degree or certificate will be certified.  To ensure that your classes will be certified, you should use the Degree Audit function within your GIZMO log in.

Forms may be mailed, scanned and emailed, or faxed to the FSCC Financial Aid Office at the following:

FSCC Financial Aid OfficeEmail:
2108 S. Horton    FAX: 620-768-2938
Fort Scott, KS 66701 

Your course schedule will be reviewed to ensure that your classes are required for your FSCC degree/certificate objective.

Contact Information